National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) is a World Bank funded project to run at GBPUA&T, Pantnagar up to July, 2021. The project has objectives of improving teaching-learning outcomes, student skills and their overall personality development for better employability and meeting industry requirement. It has a focus to develop entrepreneurial capability of students. The project also intends to improve faculty competence, learning environment and institutional management efficiency. GBPUA&T, Pantnagar has an opportunity to improve upon developing highly skilled and readily employable human resource through IDP component of NAHEP leading towards enhanced national and global rating of university.
Project team:
Project Leader : Dr. Tej Partap
Vice Chancellor , GBPUA&T
Project Investigator : Dr. S.K. Kashyap
Professor & Head Dept. of Agricultural Communication
Co-Project Investigator: Dr. Ajeet Nain
Professor & Head Dept. of Agrometeorology
For any query contact/visit: NAHEP Office
University centre
GBPUA&T, Pantnagar